Two weeks ago Prime
Minster Steven Harper made his first official visit to Israel. He
brought a delegation of 208 people with him. News media that have
been known to be against Harper decided to attack him in a different
way. They went after three members of his delegation who have made
public statements that the Bible indicates homosexuality is wrong.
The delegates include Don
Simmonds, chairman of Crossroads Christian Communications, Shawn
Ketcheson, Pastor of Trinity Bible Church in Ottawa, and Rabbi
Reuven Bulka a beloved
figure in the Ottawa community who recently received the Order of
Canada for his community work.
The media has twisted
quotations by pulling them out of context. These men have
(individually or collectively) been portrayed as “staunchly
anti-gay” and “homophobic.” I guess you can say they are
staunchly anti-gay, as the literal meaning is to “hold fast to a
conviction against homosexuality.” However, the phrase in today's
culture conveys the idea of actively propagating that conviction and
forcing others to accept it. “Homophobic” is used totally
incorrectly, as a phobia is an irrational fear. Disagreeing with
someone's beliefs does not make you “anti” or “phobic.”
Pastor Rick Warren has summed up the problem is this quote:
“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”
The media has singled out
this one particular belief as if it is their strongest one. I do not
know much about two of the delegates, but I have heard hundreds of
sermons by Pastor Ketcheson. His message is always that we are all
broken sinful people in need of healing and in need of a Saviour.
The media had to go back to a sermon from 2011 to find Pastor
Ketcheson's statement against homosexuality. The media made it sound
like the entire point of the sermon was to denounce homosexuality.
I was in the congregation for that sermon. It was a message on sin.
It included that God considers all sex outside of marriage as sin.
Greed is sin. Lack of forgiveness, hatred, jealousy, drunkenness,
addictions, putting anything else before God – these are all sin.
Simmonds is the chairman of Crossroads Christian Communications which
has the mission to provide relief and assistance to people affected
by disaster, famine, poverty and war, and facilitate sustainable
development programs in their countries. He has been accused of
supporting the government in Uganda in their effort to legislate the
death penalty for homosexuals, because he is involved in relief
efforts in that country and holds the position that homosexuality is
wrong according to the Bible! Talk about twisting something good
into something negative!
So, how should we respond
to persecution? The Bible gives us plenty of direction, the first
being to expect it.
In fact, everyone who wants to
live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers
and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being
deceived. (2Ti 3:12-13)
His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also calls us not to just put up with
persecution, but to rejoice in it!
are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.
are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all
kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because
great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted
the prophets who were before you. (Mt 5:10-12)
How are we to respond
to our persecutors? The Apostle Paul was stoned numerous times,spent
many years in prison, and ultimately faced death by beheading for his
work in proclaiming the Gospel. He answers the question in his first
letter to the church in Corinth.
When we are cursed, we bless;
when we are persecuted, we endure it; 13 when we are slandered,
we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage
of the world—right up to this moment. (1Co 12b-13)
are we to respond in such an incredibly difficult way? Our nature
wants to defend ourselves and to attack in return. Paul answers that
question for us as well.
the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about
our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for
the gospel, by the power of God. 2Tim1:7-8
can respond as Jesus did on the day He was betrayed and crucified. We
can do so by the power of the Spirit of God within us! Jesus could
have retaliated, but He did not. Paul could have retaliated, but He
chose to imitate his Lord. Both Paul and Jesus also call us to
support those who are persecuted and not to back down when we are
persecuted. Jesus
anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful
generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in
his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38
don't want Jesus to be ashamed of me! We need to stand up for the
truth of God's Word. We also need to support others who stand up for
the truth.
Lilley, a newsman for Sun Media in Ottawa, took a very public stand
against the other media giants in this situation, and for the truth
of God's Word. Here is his report on the situation.
Harper Under Fire for Pastor. It is awesome to see other Christians supporting those who are persecuted.
Some of our brothers and sisters in other countries receive persecution on a regular basis. I will close with this statement from a poster put out by Voice of the Martyrs, as it is something for us to think about. What are we willing to give up to stand up for the Truth?
Some of our brothers and sisters in other countries receive persecution on a regular basis. I will close with this statement from a poster put out by Voice of the Martyrs, as it is something for us to think about. What are we willing to give up to stand up for the Truth?
We worship in church.
Thousands of our persecuted brothers and
worship in prison.
you that Your Word is truth! In this world of selective morality,
people are turning away from that truth to chase after lies that do
not fulfill. You call us to be lights in this dark world. That starts
with taking a stand for You and Your truth. But, taking a stand does
not mean being abusive or attacking those who attack us. Just as You
did not retaliate, give us the strength to love our persecutors! Help
us to spread Your truth in a loving manner. Let people be attracted
to our lives. That will not happen if we are judgmental You were so
loving to the woman brought before you caught in the act of adultery.
You did not judge her, but loved her enough to call her to change.
The Samaritan woman at the well with a sordid past felt loved by you,
not condemned! Give us that heart to be loving lights to the world.
Help us to see people's brokenness, and extend them compassion as we
offer Your Words of healing truth. Father, thank you for these men
who have stood up for Your truth in a culture that wants nothing to
do with it! To You we give all praise and honour and glory! Amen.
I have been thinking about I comment I made. These men are not "staunchly anti gay" even by the literal definition. They are "staunchly anti homosexuality." "Gay" refers to the person, not the act. I know Pastor Shawn believe in loving people no matter what is in their life. It is the sin , all sin -- not just homosexuality -- that God hates.