I know it has been a long time since I
posted anything. I won't go into all the reasons why.
It is a few days past Christmas. I am
not going to bother with a Christmas themed post. We all know the
amazing gift that God gave us in sending His Son Jesus.

The first thing I learn from Little
Girl is that although God does not have favourites, we are each
treated as if we are His favourite! In my humanness, I must admit
that Little Girl is my favourite. My time, energy and emotions are
all limited. God has no such limitations. He can meet all my needs
and spend incredible time with me without taking away from anyone
else! Praise God. We always have His full attention, His full
support, His complete affection, His completely satisfying love. WOW!
The second thing I learn from Little
Girl comes from why she is my favourite. She almost always
comes when I call her. This is rather unusual for cats. They are
often too independent to come when you want them to, unless of course
food is involved. She comes because she obviously delights in
spending time with me. I often take naps during the day. She will
eagerly follow me into my room, hoping I am going to have a nap, so
she can cuddle up with me. We spend a lot of time snuggled up
together with her purring very loudly. She also licks me, desperately
trying to groom as much of me as possible – it is the only gift she
has to give.
So why is she my favourite – because
she delights to be with me. She eagerly seeks me out. She comes when
I call. She offers me everything she has to give. Although God
doesn't have favourites, I am sure we delight Him when we respond to
Him as Little Girl responds to me.
“You will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,”
declares the Lord. (Jer 29:13-14a)
The Lord will again delight in
you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your fathers, if
you keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of
the Law and turn to the Lord with all your heart and with all your
soul. (Deut 30:9b-10)
And of course,
what is the greatest commandment? “Love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with
all your mind.” (Mt 22:37). It is the greatest commandment
because that is what God wants most from us.
Girl desperately tries to groom me. What else does a cat have to
offer? Do I give my all to God? Do I give Him my time, my energy, my
gifts and talents, my wealth, my dreams?
the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have
cannot be my disciples.”
wants us to give Him everything (btw, He gave it to us in the first
place). He often lets us keep much of it, but He wants us to release
our hold on things, people, jobs, hobbies, plans, and dreams.
When we do this for God, our love for Him is evident, and He delights
in us!
When Little Girl
is with me she purrs with all her heart I'm sure God loves it when I
cuddle up with Him and sing to Him. (I know I don't do this nearly
enough.) He loves it when I choose to spend time with Him!
is delighted when I delight myself in Him!
You so much for Your incredible love, which You expressed so
completely in sending Your Son to live on earth and die for our sins!
Thank You that You WANT a relationship with each one of us! Sometimes
we don't understand why You do, but may we each be encouraged that
You DO love each of us so much that Jesus died for each one of us.
Let us delight ourselves in You. Give us hearts that long to be with
You. Open our eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word. Open our
eyes to see Your expressions of love throughout the day. Let us give
You all that we have and all that we are, not out of duty or fear,
but out of desperate love. To You we give all honour, glory, and
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