Monday, 20 May 2013

Strengths and Weaknesses-- part 1

My boys both have Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and some learning disabilities. I have had numerous conversations with them about strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has skills or abilities that come easily. Everyone also experiences challenges and difficulties in other areas of their lives. We have to accept that in ourselves, and we have to accept that in others.

One aspect of Asperger's Syndrome (a high functioning form of autism) is the inability to take another person's point of view. Especially when the boys were younger, if they knew a piece of information, they expected (not even consciously) everyone to know it. If they could do something, everyone should be able to do it. This led to incredible frustration for the entire family, and many melt downs at school.

Math comes easily for me. Writing essays was much more difficult, but with a lot of practise and instruction I learned how to write. As a high school student, I thought that more often than not, students that were not doing well in school were simply not trying hard enough. I judged them as lazy. I have a very different understanding of strengths and weaknesses today.

As a teacher at an adult high school, I learned about learning disabilities. There are many people who find academics to be painful. They try very hard, but just don't get it. I was thrilled to be able to help many students overcome years and years of failure at math by helping them to master one skill at a time. However, there were students that just couldn't get it. There minds were wired in such a way that numbers did not make sense to them. There were other students with a form of dyslexia (never diagnosed) which made it very difficult for them to keep track of negative signs. They had been told for years that they were not trying hard enough, or not disciplined or diligent enough with their work. Another teacher showed me that many of these students were actually able to keep track of the negative signs when they used a different colour of paper. Using blue or yellow paper suddenly made them able to do math! They were not stupid, lazy, undisciplined, or anything else like that – their brains simply could not register everything from the extremely high contrast of writing on white paper. One of my students went to a professional and received green tinted glasses. His ability to do school work changed dramatically and his self-esteem soared!

Just like my boys, who thought that everyone thinks just like they do, these teachers had demanded that their students think a certain way. When the students didn't fit into their mold, they were very judgemental. These harsh and inaccurate judgements had really hurt these students. Many students had turned down roads of alcoholism, drug abuse, or getting pregnant at a young age to escape the pain of low self-esteem. They would come to our school believing they were stupid, but had come to the realization that they could not advance in any sort of work without that high school diploma. The entire staff worked hard to provide the skills and encouragement the students needed to achieve success. Elation and victory permeated graduation day like no other ceremony I have been a part of!

When we give advice to others, we need to realize that not everyone can do things the way we do, or the way we think they should. Let us learn to give people the benefit of the doubt. When someone is trying, but still failing, we need to find out why. A person dealing with failure needs encouragement and help to understand what is at the root of the failure. Too often, just like the teachers my students had, we judge the problem to be effort or some form of stupidity. Sometimes effort is the problem. Stupidity is a harsh term that isn't true. Perhaps that person has a real weakness in one or more areas in their life, but they DO have strengths. If we focus entirely on their weaknesses, we destroy the person. Give them the tools that address the real problem and we give them self-esteem and real victory!

Father, I thank you so much for Your love and patience! I thank you for Your incredible grace! I thank you for putting people in our lives that really want to help us.  Help us all to realize that you have made us each unique.  We each have strengths and weaknesses.  Every person is important in your kingdom! Sometimes it is easy to forget that what works for one person, or even what works for most people, doesn't work for everyone.  The students that could suddenly succeed in math when given blue paper are a very small minority.  What worked for most other people didn't work for them.  Thank you for the privilege it was to provide these students with a tool that gave them success!  Help us not to judge, but instead to help find solutions -- solutions beyond the box of our own experience. We praise You Father for creating us unique, special, and very very loved!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Are you Guilty of the Sin of Sodom? rerun

I was reading in Ezekiel while away at a family reunion.  I have read this before, but it stood out to me this time more than ever before – I think because of the commission God has placed on my heart.

When you think of Sodom, what comes to your mind? 

Let’s take a look at what God thinks of when He thinks of Sodom.

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom:  She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned: they did not help the poor and needy.  They were haughty and did detestable things before me.  Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.  (Eze 16:49-50)

Please read that again.  Do you see yourself in that indictment?  God destroyed Sodom, not for the homosexuality that we normally associate with it, but because the people of Sodom were selfishly living for themselves.

Are you overfed?  Most of North America suffers from weight problems and the increase of obesity is staggering.  I am 30 to 40 pounds overweight and very convicted at this moment.

Are you unconcerned?  This is shown by how much you help the poor and needy.  Do you spend more on pet food than on feeding the poor?  Do you enjoy your television system and all the cable or satellite channels, but quickly switch the channel when you see images of the poverty that most of the people in this world face every day?  Do you spend more on entertainment than on helping those who have lost their homes to storms or fire?  Again I ask: are you unconcerned?

There is a small team of teenagers from our church on a missions trip in Nicaragua.  This is an excerpt from their blog.
After lunch, we set to delivering six of the ten widow baskets that we prepared yesterday. We divided into three groups.
Group One:
Ours went to a woman who was very thankful to it. We talked with the help of a translator and communicated to her. We shared the grace of God and she said over and over how blessed she was to receive this. Though the first widow was amazing to deliver this to, it was the second that got to everyone. She suffers a sort of disability. We brought to her, along with the widow basket, a new mattress for her. When we brought the mattress in, she started crying with happiness. Before, she had been sleeping on a simple cloth-like thing stretched like a hammock. She described to us the pain that she feels each day and that she was so thankful for this mattress. She had been praying for a long time for a new mattress and the fact that we were the ones to answer her prayers is amazing. Her grandchildren hugged us all as we left.
This poor woman, suffering from a painful disability, had been praying for a long time for a mattress!  When you get up in the morning feeling achy and perhaps sore, do you ever wonder how sore you would be after sleeping on a dirt floor instead of your comfortable mattresses?

Are you arrogant and haughty?  Do you think you deserve the wealth you have?  Do you think it is your right as a Canadian or American (or wherever you live) to enjoy all the wealth of these countries?

God destroyed Sodom because they enjoyed their wealth without caring about those who were poor and needy.  That sounds so much like the North America I live in today.

Do you ever wonder why God allows so many people to live in such horrible poverty?  I believe God has a perfect plan to provide for the poor: he has blessed the Christians of the “West” with incredible wealth, so they can use that wealth to help the poor, and share the light of Christ.  There is more than enough wealth to provide for the needs of everyone.

Are you going to step up and use your wealth as God intended, or are you destined for destruction like Sodom, and like Jerusalem to whom the above Scripture was addressed?  There has been a huge increase in the number of natural disasters of devastating proportions in North America.  God is bringing the poverty closer to home – perhaps to wake us up.  Let’s open our eyes and live as God would have us live – humble and actively concerned for those who are less fortunate by sharing the wealth God has blessed us with.

Dear Father, please forgive us for our selfishness! You have blessed us so abundantly, yet we cling to our riches with tight fists.  Very few Christians tithe, even fewer really take to heart the needs of the poor. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours! Open our eyes to Your economy -- when we give to the needy our needs are met in ways that are fulfilling beyond our wildest dreams! Your heart breaks when we find more satisfaction in our riches -- our stuff -- than in doing Your will.  Your heart breaks when we arrogantly think that somehow we deserve to live in wealth and those on "the other side of the world" somehow deserve their poverty. We don't put that thinking into words, but our actions speak that truth very clearly. Please forgive us and change us! The world needs us to be your hands and feet! We praise You for Your grace and Your love! May our repentance bring You praise. Amen

Sunday, 5 May 2013

When Unity is not Best

A couple of weeks ago our pastor mentioned at the beginning of his sermon that he was very frustrated with the “My church is better than your church” attitude. God calls us to unity, and clearly this arrogance causes division, not unity.

He gave a couple examples of churches that some people look down on as being less Biblical. He shared about one church that has everyone drop to their knees at the name of “Jesus.” The reference being Php 2:9-11
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

A second church practices the washing of feet. This comes from Jesus example and words at the last supper. In John 13:12-17, we read:
When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

I have been meditating on this and praying about it for over a week, because I guess I am one of those who in my heart has condemned other churches for not being Biblical. Over the past 10 years I have come to the deep conviction that there are true followers of Jesus scattered throughout the denominations. However, some denominations make it easier than others for a person to develop a true saving relationship with Jesus.

However, God has given me a calling and a message that is meant to challenge our understanding of what it means to be a Christian. God burdened my heart with the fact that there are MANY who think they are going to heaven who are not. Read Mt 7:21-23.
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

I believe that incorrect teaching – in fact teaching contrary to what the Scriptures say – encourages people to think they are going to heaven when in fact the Bible says they are not. This bothers me a more than I can express! I get very angry at churches that teach falsehoods about God, salvation, and what God considers acceptable behaviour (churches teach too strict as well as too lenient on this one).

What does this have to do with the examples I gave at the beginning of this post? I do have a problem with the churches/denominations my pastor mentioned, because I believe they have strayed from Biblical truth. Not that any one denomination has Biblical truth down pat!! However, the examples my pastor gave of their obedience to Scripture bothered me. Why? Because they are mere acts of legalism if the heart is not behind it.

Anyone can join the congregation in kneeling at the name of Jesus, and then go home and live in a way that totally disregards Jesus. I have a particularly hard time with this denomination because it is where my husband fled when he decided to live openly gay. I am not a gay-basher. I have said it many times in this blog that Jesus' harshest words were to the religious people who point fingers of judgment at others, while basking in their own self-righteousness. (I've been praying about my heart in this matter -- Jesus please help me not to be self-righteous!) Also, in the old testament, the same punishment was prescribed for anyone participating in sexual relations outside of marriage. In North America these days, there are more people in sexual relationships outside of marriage than within marriage.

So, I have a problem with this denomination because it made the deliberate decision to ignore the clear teaching on homosexuality in order to fit in with the modern culture. Look at what the Scriptures say about this.
You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

These are God's words, not mine. When a church or a denomination chooses friendship with the world over the truth of Scripture, they have chosen to be an enemy of God. The legalism of bending their knees at the name of Jesus means nothing if it is simply a ceremony on Sunday mornings. The true test is whether that person obeys the heart of Scripture the rest of the week. The tradition to kneel at the name of Jesus is not wrong or bad. It could really make a soft heart responsive to the Lordship of Christ. I think my own congregation could really benefit from more of this physical sign of submission to God. However, if that is the only way you bow before the Son of God, you really haven't bowed before Him at all.

The second example our pastor shared is from a denomination that does not even believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven (talk about friendship with the world!). Yet, they wash feet in obedience to Jesus' command. This one really frustrates me. Jesus was constantly breaking religious traditions that had been piled on top of God's laws. I see this foot washing ceremony in the same way. Jesus washed dirt and manure off the feet of his disciples. In our world today, our feet are really quite clean. Maybe a little sock fluff or some sand, but nothing really all that bad. Did Jesus really mean for us today in our ultra clean culture to wash people's feet? If he did – I think it would be the feet of the homeless or the diabetic, or the person with diseased feet.

We can become legalistic so quickly. “Oh, this is a Biblical church because we obey the teaching to wash feet – and your church doesn't!” What was the heart of Jesus' command? It wasn't to institute another religious ceremony! He was showing us that we need to be willing to do the dirtiest job for the least deserving person. THAT is obedience to His command, not participating in some ceremony. The ceremony is not wrong or bad – but if you think that ceremony replaces the requirement to do the dirty job that no one else wants to do – you have totally missed Jesus' point.

Have I ever washed anyone's feet? Yes, I do so on a regular basis. My brother has many medical issues that affect every part of his body including his feet. His feet have callouses so deep they have caverns, and toenails so thick that no ordinary nail clipper can do anything.. He cannot bend to reach his feet, so I am the one who takes care of them. Yes – it is humbling for both of us. Have I obeyed Jesus command? I'm starting, but I have a long way to go – Jesus washed manure off the feet of His betrayer. I can't think of a really dirty job that I have done for an enemy.

I believe very strongly in unity – but not with those who have made the deliberate choice to deny God's truth in order to be more popular.

This post is not meant to be disrespectful to my pastor in any way.  I appreciate him and respect him very much.  He chose to leave one of the churches discussed in this blog because it had made a decision to put popularity with the world above Scripture.  That decision was a very costly one for my pastor.  I respect his desire to root out the arrogance in us (including in my own life) by pointing out the "My church is better than your church" attitude.  I had to examine the self-righteousness in my own life before I could write this post.  There are areas that I still need help addressing, and my pastor is great at helping us deal with our sin in repentance and grace!

Thank you so much for the privilege to call You Father! You created the heavens and the earth and yet You consider us the crown of Your creation! Jesus left heaven and came to show us the way to You. He died to open the doors of forgiveness. He prayed for unity among His followers. Oh, Father, we fail so horribly in this area. I, too, am guilty. Give us a heart of unity with other Christ-followers! However, Lord, help us also to be aware of the non-Biblical teachings that are overtaking the North American church! Give us a firm foundation in Your Word that we may know Your truth. Thank You so much for Your Word, Your Faithfulness, and most of all for Your Grace! To You be glory and honour and power for ever and ever! Amen!