Have you ever heard a preacher say something like “I’m preaching this message to myself as much as to you”? In the past that has confused me. The successful motivational speakers speak from a place of authority and accomplishment. They share their version of the way to success. I have thought of that humble pastor who includes himself in his audience, “perhaps he should wait until he has this figured out in his own life before he shares it with us.”
Well, I now understand. God has given me a challenging message to present to others. However, if I wait until I have completely responded to the message to share it with you – you would never hear the message at all. We are all on a journey with Jesus. Not one of us has it all together. Rather, we are all broken and sinful – myself just as much as anyone else.
This week God has revealed within me the heart of a Pharisee. I have the right message. I do a lot of things for Jesus. I know the Bible really well. However, am I really living completely for Jesus? Is He my One true love? Or is my “commitment” really just habit?
The church I am a part of is going through a six week study about being completely committed followers of Jesus. I watched the “Not a Fan” movie at home with my 15 year-old son this afternoon. This was my second time seeing the movie. The tears started flowing and they would not stop. I want to be used by God to bring a message to the world, but I’m not sure the reasons of my heart are pure. Am I fired up because I have a message from God or because I have a relationship With God?
When we were first told about the “Not a Fan” Bible study, I had jealousy in my heart. I could tell that much of the study had a similar message to the one I believe God has called me to share. I couldn’t understand why God bothered to give me the task of taking this message to others, when it had already been done by a pastor of a huge church with a professional movie and DVD series. I’m realizing now that the jealousy was there because I was more excited about having a message from God than I was about having a personal, intimate relationship with Him.
Jesus prayed in the upper room the night of His betrayal. In His prayer, He includes these words. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”(Jn 17:3) Life is not about how much I know. Life is not about what I do. Life is about knowing the One true God and His Son Jesus Christ. I have some relationship work to do this week.
I am in agreement with everything you say - my only sticking point is the confusion I think people have between "works" and "relationship". I completely agree that "Life is not about how much I know" but if you have the deep intimate relationship with Jesus then I think it is partially about "what I do" if I am able (in His strength). Those who know the one true God know that He has chosen US to be His hands and feet. If we just sit at the feet of Jesus developing our relationship with him to deeper intimacy and do not choose to act in ways that give to others, I think we are missing half of what He wants to see in us. (ie. faith without works is dead - mind you, works without faith is also dead). If you know Jesus deeply, you will know what He wants you to DO - as I said before, I think a big part of being a follower is ACTION - how else can anyone be impacted??