Saturday 14 July 2012

New Life

I took these photos this morning of a duckling hatching from the egg.  It was a precious miracle to witness.  I have had ducks for a few years, but I have never had the privilege to watch any hatch. 

There were about 13 eggs in the nest. The mother only lays one egg a day, leaving them to sit.  When she is ready, she sits on the eggs with barely a break to eat and get water.  It takes about 35 days.  All the ducklings hatch the same day! 

I can't figure out how evolution would ever explain how the ducklings get out of the egg in the first place. If they didn't have the beak strong enough to break the shell, and the instinct to do so, the duckling would never hatch.  Too many things have to "change" simultaneously to ever explain a duck successfully hatching from its shell.

 In university I was a science major.   The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that everything tends towards maximum randomness.  It other words everything gets messier and less organized with time.  The entire process involved in that new life emerging from his egg has so many essential steps.  If one step is missing -- no duckling. Evolution contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics and it falls far short in   explaining the full miracle I witnessed this morning.

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